Tuesday 20 March 2018

The book of Revelation

The Book of revelation is the last book in the Bible, and the one that most people avoid like the plaque. Why is that I wonder ? Well one thing is they don't understand it and it can be very scary, however God did not intend to frighten you but to bless you. The Apostle John who had the vision must have been terrified and blessed at the same time. The book of Revelation is the only book that promises a blessing to all those who read it. The word blessed means spiritually happy. Even though some of the words of this book speak of terrifying and solemn times, it is a blessing to know how thoroughly the Lord holds all times and time in his hands. Those who take time to read and try to understand this book will find themselves blessed by the hope of heaven and by the nearness of our Lord and saviour.

Let me make it clear that I am not going to try and attempt to explain the book in full detail, that would be a massive undertaking, but just to outline some of the important bits.

The word Revelation means unveiling or disclosure, it reveals to the reader the hidden things. It was given by the Father to Jesus Christ and revealed to the apostle John on the island of Patmos. According to tradition John the author, was the only one of the twelve disciples who was not killed for the faith. He was imprisoned on the isle of Patmos because of his witness about Jesus Christ. God gave the revelation of his plan to Jesus Christ who in turn revealed it to John. It's focus is on Jesus Christ, his second coming, his victory over evil, and the establishment of his kingdom.

The book starts off with instructions for the seven churches, and warns them about their flaws. Each letter was directed to a church then in existence but also speaks to conditions in the church throughout history. In our individual lives we must constantly fight against the temptation to become loveless, immoral, compromising and lifeless. We have to stay strong in our faith The letters were also written to encourage and challenge the believer.

The book of revelation is a sealed book, and as you begin to read and study you get this unfolding scenario of events.The book reveals that one day God's anger toward sin will be fully and completely unleashed in what is known as the 7 year tribulation period. Satan will be defeated along with all his minions. God will reward the faithful with eternal life, but for those who refuse to believe they will face eternal punishment.

God promises us a new heaven and a new earth. All believers will live with him forever in perfect peace and security. those who have died will be raised to life. This gives us who believe a wonderful and certain hope for the future.
We can know for certain that evil and injustice will not prevail forever. God will put an end to those things. Be warned though that no one who rejects Jesus will escape God's wrath.

The book of revelation gives us a great hope, that what Christ has promised will come true. We can have confidence in our final destination. We can be encouraged by hoping in Christ's return.
The greatest promise in Revelation comes in chapter 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and their will be no more death, or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.
Now that is something to look forward too.

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