Friday 20 February 2015

New age christian spiritualism

Unfortunately, there are many people that practise spiritualism and try to say it is acceptable to God.. These individuals claim that they are talking to the dead. A lot of these people really believe that what they do is helping people, especially those who may be grieving by putting them in touch with dead loved ones. The truth is they are being deceived.

People are often amazed at the supernatural information that a spiritualist conveys. The medium will often give very accurate details of a persons life. For some people this is enough to convince them that they really are speaking to a dead loved one. I recently read a story on the internet about a family that were convinced that a relative they had lost contact within another country was dead. They tried to contact him through a medium and were pleased to discover that they were able to connect with him through a seance. The dead relative further convinces them that it was truly him by revealing personal details of his life and habits. The family continued with the medium for some time, then a surprising thing happened. The dead relative showed up alive and well. The obvious question the family were asking was who and what had they been talking to, certainly not the man who was very much alive.
That story is just the tip of the iceberg. People have completely had their lives destroyed by mediums and so called psychics.

The Bible describes a supernatural world that is inhabited by many spirits, and these spirits have nothing but contempt for humanity. They are angels who have teamed up with the Devil in order to lead people away from Biblical truth. The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

These messages that supposedly come from the dead are actually deceiving spirits, who know the dead person very well Isaiah 29:4 The Bible calls them familiar spirits. These spirits are manipulative beings that have a supernatural knowledge of people's lives. They can impersonate anyone they like in order to convince people. These spirits will tell a person exactly what they want to hear in order to satisfy their itching ears. If you want a dead relative they will produce one for you. The Bible tells us that the devil appears as an angel of light 2 Corinthians11:14, and when he speaks he misleads with lies. John 8:44
The truth is that the spirits of the departed are actually evil spirits and they are very hostile to humanity and anything to do with God and truth.

Spiritualism often labels itself as Christian because they claim to do the same thing that people do in a Christian church, but spiritualism is not compatible with the Christian faith. The Bible clearly states that we are not to talk to the dead 

(Deuteronomy 18:11)
It is amazing how Christianity has changed in a short period of time. Many Christians are now undermining the word of God. The new age movement has now joined hands with Christianity. It is not uncommon for churches to except yoga. This is the kind of thing the Bible warns us will happen in the last days.

Christian spiritualism is just a way of turning the truth of the Bible into a lie. The true Christian church does not practise something that is contrary to the truth of God's word. It strictly forbids us to contact spirits which are really demons and enemies of God.
It is also a cruel hoax because it enslaves people who are vulnerable and grieving, and it is full of lies and deception. Instead of contacting loved ones, they are actually in contact with forces of evil.

All of this is a part of the great end time deception. Spiritualism is taking on a new identity. At one time it denied Jesus Christ completely, now it accepts both Christ and the Bible. The word of God is being interpreted in a manner that is pleasing to the masses. Christianity is slowly being assimilated to lure unrepentant hearts into new age theology.
It has recently been reported that some Charismatics are now using what is called a Christian Ouija board. It is being used to make contact with what they call non-fallen angels. The Devil is a true master of deceit.

As true Christians we need to read and observe the word of God. Stay away from anything that does not line up with scripture. We are living in the last of the last days and the devil is out to deceive as many as possible.

If you have never given your heart to Jesus Christ then maybe now is the time to do so. Find a local church that teaches the true word of God. Begin to read the Bible for yourself. It is a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge.

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