Sunday 6 October 2019

The King is coming

We are currently living in unprecedented times. Who would have thought that our lives could change so quickly. The media are creating fear and panic among all the nations of the world. I believe they are unknowingly supporting the agenda of The new world order. The mark of the beast that the Bible talks about is truly close at hand.  I believe that Christians will be raptured out of this world before the rise of the antichrist. God's word tells us that in the last days a man will arise to take control of the world. So for believers this is a high watch time. All that is happening in the world right now was predicted thousands of years ago in the word of God. 

The return of Jesus Christ is a very exciting prospect for a lot of Christians. However there are some who doubt he will return in their lifetime, and sadly there are those who doubt he is coming at all.
Christians have been mocked over the years particularly by the media who love to jump on another false end of the world prediction. Unfortunately these false prophets give rise to extreme scepticism as another doomsday date comes and goes.

However for those who mock about his coming, they are actually fulfilling scripture.
2 Peter 3:6  Knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts. And saying, Where is the promise of his coming ? For since the father's fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the very beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of  the water and in the water. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished. )
The Bible is clear with regards to the things that will be taking place in the end days.

Our time-clock is the nation of Israel. In 1948 something remarkable happened. The nation of Israel became a land. The Jews finally had a place to call home, just like God promised they would. This sign is absolutely astounding, and one of the reasons I know we are living in the time of the end. Jesus said that those who see this happen will be the Terminal generation. This single event started the time clock ticking. Ezekiel 36:24  For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you into your own land. The gathering of God's people is setting the stage for Christ's return.
Jesus said we would not know the day or the hour. However he did say when we see signs we can be sure summer is near. Well I believe we are on the verge of summer.

For those who are prepared for the Lord's return it will be glorious.
Can you even imagine what it will be like when we hear that trumpet and the Lord's voice calling us.

by J. H. McConkey

Suddenly, in one swift, intense instant, the jubilee moment of the waiting centuries, the descending Lord Himself shall shout. Up from the quiet valley, from sunlit hillsides, from village burying grounds, from the yawning depths of the sea, from the distant battlefields where Christian patriots have laid down their lives, from the jungles of India, from the swamps of Africa, from the islands of the sea, from every lonely spot where His children have passed away in suffering and service, shall the glorified, radiant host spring up "like pyramids of flame;" to meet their coming Lord.

What a vision for tear-stained eyes; what a hope for waiting hearts; what a spur to lagging service!

Caught up? Who can picture it? While men and women walk the busy streets, they shall be caught up! While they bow in the secret chamber of prayer, they shall be caught up! While with burning hearts they ponder the Word that tells of His coming, they shall be caught up! While patient, suffering ones lie on beds of pain, they shall be caught up! While in the graves of the dead, they shall be caught up! And, as the startled world wonders, the only records left shall be that of Enoch's - 'And they walked with God, and were not, for God took them!'
Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour the Son of Man cometh! We look for no signs. We know of no prophetic event between us and the coming of the Lord. We know not the hour He will come, but we know not any hour in which He may NOT come. It may be years from now; it may be tomorrow; it may be today.
It may be at morn, when the first faint flush of awakening day tints the horizon; it may be at high noon, when the busy world, deaf with the din of traffic, hears not His shout; or it may be at eventide, when the twilight hours are solemnizing the souls of His children with the hush of its own waiting. It matters not; no man knows. But "the Lord is at hand"; "the judge standeth at the door."

Each generation stands in eager expectancy as on the very brink of the mightiest miracle of the miracle-working God since the resurrection of His Son from the dead. And the veil of our mortal flesh trembles under the anticipating touch of Him who may at any moment rend it asunder for the outshining of His glory for the manifestation of the sons of God.
"Wherefore comfort one another with these words."
It is after the rapture that the tribulation will occur. A period of 7 years on earth that you don't want to be here for. The Bible calls it the time of Jacob's trouble. It will be a time when the Jewish nation finally yields and accepts that Jesus is indeed the Messiah that they have been waiting for.

Songwriters: Charles Millhuff / Gloria Gaither / Willam J. Gaither

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