Monday 10 November 2014

Thoughts of christmas

Well folks another year has almost passed, and Christmas is practically upon us. It is amazing how fast the time seems to roll by. Fall is a time when temperatures start to cool. Some animals begin to prepare themselves for the cold winter months ahead by storing food, or travelling to a warmer climate.Of course if you live in other parts of the world it could be getting warmer for you. If you live in Australia you may be getting ready to celebrate Christmas in the sun. One thing neither of us should forget is what Christmas is all about. As a christian who has excepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour it is a very special time. It is a time when I and many others celebrate the birth of our Lord. John 3:16 says For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  The real meaning of Christmas is that God became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ 

Jesus is quite an amazing figure in history. It has been 2000 years since his birth in that stable in Bethlehem, yet we have not forgotten him. Each year children around the world play out the nativity story. People forget that Jesus did not stay a baby in a manger. He grew up with a purpose far greater than anyone could have imagined. He was born to become the saviour of the world. Luke 2:11 For today in the city of David there has been born for you a saviour, who is Christ the Lord. 

What did the birth of Jesus mean for mankind

God created a beautiful garden and in it he placed Adam and Eve. They had everything they needed to live forever. They were perfect in every way.God was with them, and even spoke with them. Animals were tame and friendly and they had plenty of food to eat. However they decided to disobey God by doing that which he warned them not to do. By there disobedience sin entered into the heart of man. Satan under the disguise of a serpent deceived Eve and tempted her to eat the fruit which had been forbidden. He blatantly lied to her, telling her that she did not need God for anything. Quite profound that after 6000 years little has changed. Satan's deception meant that man had been eternally cut off from God's presence. Jesus came to earth in order to be sacrificed for the sin of mankind.

 Why Jesus

Adam was placed on the earth in a perfect condition. The only atonement for the loss of that perfect life, would be another perfect life. That is why Jesus is often referred to as the second Adam. He was born of a virgin, and without sin. Romans 5:12 When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Also through the life of Jesus God showed us his character. Through the things that Jesus accomplished on this earth. We see a God who loves us, and wants only the best for us. Jesus healed the sick, gave hope to those who were poor and suffering. He preached the gospel everywhere he went. He healed people of all kinds of sickness. He cured blindness, leprosy, those who were crippled.Yet he himself faced terrible hardship.He was rejected by his countryman, he was scorned, and eventually he was crucified. he willingly gave his life, so that we can be reconciled to God and receive eternal life.

So this Christmas take some time to think about the real reason for the season. It is a time to reflect on the fact that the little baby in a manger is God in the flesh. How awesome is that. He chose to humble himself, even to the point of death. 

Blessings to you ><>

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